What is Partnership?

Partnership is like a revelation the Lord gave me about an archer and an arrow. I saw how it takes every part of an arrow, in its place, to fly effectively! An arrow has several parts: the shaft, the feathers, the niche at the end, and the arrowhead at the top. I have never seen one of those components fly alone.

As important as the arrowhead is, it won't go far if it is not attached to the shaft. The arrowhead must be sharp and refined. It penetrates the target first; it also takes the heat when it cuts through the target. The shaft must be straight and very strong. The feathers must be positioned precisely or the arrow will fly off course. The niche must be the right size and attached firmly to hold the string that gives the thrust to launch. It takes every component to work together not only to fly but to hit the target.

Cindy Black Ministries is an arrow that is given precise aim by the Master Archer. I see how important every component is to this ministry. There is the staff with their amazing ability to do every facet of the office work, media, and so much more. There is the Prayer Team who daily reaches into the realm of the Spirit and lays the foundation for all that is ahead. There is the Airport Shuttle Team, those who help at the house, those who help with my family, those who help me on the road, and all those who prepare the way for me to go. Then, there are PARTNERS …like you!


[I thank God] “for your participation and partnership, both your comforting fellowship and gracious contributions in advancing the good news.”

Philippians 1:5 AMP

As a partner, you are helping to send us with this glorious Gospel! Together, we take the aim from the Master, and we fly!!! Not only are we flying, but we are hitting the target! My victory is your victory! Every soul won, every person healed, every heart mended, and every victory belongs to you and me!